Experiments: Typography

Typolyrics    ·    Design    ·    2019    ·    MICA

AI Art    ·    StyleGan 2 + BigBiGan    ·    2020    ·    MICA    ·     View more on Dancing Type    ·    

A Mathematical Rose
B Random Walkers
C Gravitational Attraction
D Sin Waves 1
E Sin Waves 2
F Coding in 3D

36 Days of Type 2020    ·    p5.js    ·    2020    ·    MICA    ·    View more on typeChaosifier    

Home    ·    Tryptych    ·    2020    ·    MICA    ·     Exploring how the random numbers of home get forever imprinted in the mind.    

& and & Caslon Italic + Garamond ampersand
Shy Ampersand

Lettering    ·    Ampersands    ·    2020    ·     Medium Exploration    

36 Days of Type, 2017. A—Z Compilation.
36 Days of Type, 2016. Exploring the manifold possibilities of 3D.

36 Days of Type 2018 & 2019    ·     Typgoraphy    ·     Poster+3D explorations    

Free Will    ·     Lettering experiment    ·     2018

Apollonian    ·     Typeface design    ·     2019

Overheard    ·     Data Visualization    ·     2019    ·    MICA    ·    Mentored by Jennifer Cole Phillips    ·    Snippets of conversations encountered in the USA, perceived through eager Indian ears newly navigating American culture    ·

Type Self-Portrait    ·     Experimental Design    ·     2019    ·   Self-Portrait using multiple weights of a single variable font.